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News and Events Details
Brief :
Procurement newsletter launched
Details :
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Minister for Planning Air-Vice Marshal (rtd) AK Khandker launched a quarterly newsletter titled “Public procurement” of the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) at the NEC Committee Room-1 on the Planning Commission campus at 3:00 pm on November 25, 2010, Thursday.
The newsletter aimed at increasing awareness about public procurement among the stakeholders and public has been published under the Public Procurement Reform Project-II supported by the World Bank.
The contents of the newsletter include, among others, issues of compliance with the Public Procurement Act and The Public Procurement Rules, process of public procurement and procurement related events and information.
Secretary of the IME Division Md Habib Ullah Majumder presided over the program. Director General of CPTU Amulya Kumar Debnath, representatives of the World Bank and officials of the Planning Ministry attended the launching ceremony of the newsletter.
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