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News and Events Details
Brief :
Government signs MOU with banks for e-GP
Details :
Star Business Report
March 15, 2011
The government yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with five banks to facilitate payment for the electronic government procurement (e-GP) system.
The signing ceremony was held in the conference room of the Planning Ministry with Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) Secretary Md Habib Ullah Majumder in the chair, according to a press release.
Agrani, Janata, UCBL, Bangladesh Krishi Bank and the National Bank Ltd signed the MoU. Director General of Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) Amulya Kumar Debnath and representatives of the banks signed the MoU on behalf of their respective sides. Director (coordination) of CPTU Mohammad Yamin Chowdhury was also present.
More banks are supposed to sign the MoU to operate the e-payment for the e-GP system later.
The CPTU of IMED is prepared to launch the e-GP in public procurement in April, in 17 procuring entities, initially under the Public Procurement Reform Project (PPRP)-II supported by the World Bank. Th
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