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Dear User,
This tender is manual tender and you need to buy the tender document from Procuring Entity Office. To view the details tender notice click on "View" link.
Same information you can get from BPPA web site.
Dear User,
This Contract Awarded is manual Contract and you need to buy the tender document from Procuring Entity Office. To view the details information click on "View" link.
Same information you can get from BPPA web site.
Click on 'Ok' button to see or download Electronic Standard Tender Documents (eSTD)
News and Events Details
Brief :
eGP Training of Registered Tenderers
Details :
eGP training, related to preparation and uploading of eTender will be started on or around 15th November, 2011. There will be batch by batch, daylong, and free of cost training for the registered Tenderers, Suppliers and Consultants. Every registered Tenderer, Supplier, or Consultant and/or his authorized Tenderer are encouraged to participate in the training (not more than two). The specific date of training will be informed through e-mail ID registered in the eGP system. Should have any query, please feel free to post them for answer to eGP helpdesk mail (
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