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Brief : CPTU signs MoUs with two more banks for e-GP payments
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CPTU signs MoUs with two more banks for e-GP payments
June 7, 2015
The Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) on June 7, 2015 (Sunday) signed separate memorandum of understanding (MoUs) with Eastern Bank Ltd and NRB Commercial Bank Ltd to involve the banks in the electronic government procurement (e-GP) system to collect fees and securities for e-tendering.
With the signing of new MoUs the total number of banks involved with the e-GP system until June 7, 2015 stood at 37.
The Secretary of the IME Division, Md Shahid Ullah Khandaker, presided over the signing ceremony at the Conference Room of the CPTU. The Director General of CPTU, Md Faruque Hossain, and other senior officials of CPTU, IMED and the banks were present on the occasion.

Managing Director and CEO of NRBC Dewan Mujibur Rahman and Deputy Managing Director of EBL HasanO. Rashid and the DG, CPTU, signed the MoUs on behalf of their respective sides.
The Secretary of IME Division in his speech welcomed the two banks for joining the e-GP system. He said this would facilitate the banks in both serving the nation and doing business.
He expressed the view that operationalisation of e-tendering has removed many hassles in the process of public procurement in the country. “By 2018 we have a plan to roll e-GP in all government procuring entities,” he said.
The monitoring of the performance of procurement under e-GP is now also done digitally. There is e-GP helpdesk at CPTU for tenderers and procuring entities 24 hours a day and seven days a week, he added.
The Secretary further said that the e-GP implementation is now being done under the auspices of the Public procurement Reform project (PPRP-II) supported by the World Bank.
The CPTU is implementing the project and the e-tendering is growing in line with the government’s vision for Digital Bangladesh by 2021.
At present, public procurement is conducted through e-GP by 1875 government procuring entities of 96 agencies under 24 ministries of the government.
The DG, CPTU said that the banks can perform the national objective of going digital by providing quick services to tenderers under e-GP system. He highlighted the features of the national e-GP portal ( and success of e-tendering under the PPRP-II. He said CPTU is enhancing capacity of tenderers in e-GP. The DG, CPTU observed that smooth and quick services from the banks would boost up confidence of tenderers in the system.
The payment gateway of the Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd and BRAC Bank Ltd is integrated with the e-GP system to use credit and debit cards for payments.
The EBL MD thanked CPTU for taking the bank in the e-GP system. He said this is the part of the bank’s initiative to provide all a technology based service. The DMD of EBL welcomed the MoU with CPTU as a timely step. He said this is a part of our e-commerce initiative. Both the bank executives sought CPTU guidance in taking the collaboration forward.

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IMED, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh