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News and Events Details
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Live TV talk show about e-GP aired by Independent TV
Details :
Live TV talk show about e-GP aired by Independent TV
July 27, 2015
Independent Television, a private satellite channel, aired a live TV talkshow on various aspects of electronic government procurement (e-GP) at 1:30 pm on July 27. The half-an-hour programme titled “e-GP in Public Procurement” was also repeated on the channel at midnight the same day.
Faruque Hossain, Director General, Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU), IME Division of Planning Ministry, and MA Wohab, a tenderer registered with e-GP system and Proprieter of Dhiman Construction in Dhaka, took part in the discussion moderated by Shamim A Zahedy of Independent TV.
The CPTU is implementing e-GP in the country through the National e-GP Portal ( under the auspices of the Public Procurement Reform Project (PPRP-II) supported by World Bank.
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