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News and Events Details
Brief :
Govt approves guidelines for e-Procurement
Details :
Transparent system on cards
The Daily Star
Star Business Report
January 25, 2011
The cabinet yesterday approved the electronic government procurement (e-GP) guidelines to demonstrate the government"s commitment to achieving openness and accountability in procurement.
The government will kick off the e-GP system next month through 17 of its offices across the country under Local Government Engineering Department, Rural Electrification Board, Water Development Board and Roads and Highways Department.
The bidders are required to get registered with the e-GP system through the e-GP portal hosted by Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the planning ministry to take part in the bidding under the new system.
A CPTU official said authorities would invite the bidders formally through newspaper notices in next three to four days. The bidders can register themselves online.
The official said the media personnel will be able to get registered for free to check up on transparency of the process and will have to submit their national ID cards and office ID cards electronically to sign up.
However, the media personnel will not have access to all procurement related documents such as evaluation report, the official said. He said the media personnel would have to ask for those documents separately under the Right to Information Act.
CPTU reserves the right to take the payment service of banks, payment service providers, mobile networks, and other reliable and authorised online service providers through memorandum of understanding (MoU) with agreements for the e-GP online payment network, according to the guidelines.
CPTU officials said they already had final discussions with Bangladesh Bank and 12 other commercial banks on the
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