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The following issues are changed or bug fixed in this release (Latest Version No. 8.1.0):


1. “Service Level” notification in procurement web-portal ( is added on HOME Page


2. Once the implementing agency verified the previous experience of a winning bidder that data is stored in e-GP system with adequate search option.


3. Negative values for salvage work is incorporated in e-GP System


4. Provision of re-evaluation of e-tender by the approving authority is added in the system


5. TEC chairperson/nominated member finds the comments given by the nominated TEC member after finalization of the Tender Evaluation Report.


6. A separate tab is added in e-GP System for reporting procurement performance indicators/ quarterly report (Under Report on HOME Page)


7. Provision is created for consolidated report on contract award publications in e-GP System


8. Provision is created to generate district-wise report of the member schedule banks


9. Performance Security can be released even if contract sign is not completed


10. PE user can be added by PE during TOC/POC or TEC/PEC Formation


11. During performance security, relevant document upload is mandatory by branch maker


12. PE Admin Transfer functionality is incorporated in e-GP System just like as government user functionality


13. All participated bidders can see the lottery result under evaluation tab



The following issues are changed or bug fixed in this release (Version No. 8.0.0):


1. Tender validity extension module is re-coded in such way that the bidders get response time as specified by the procuring entity complying with the legal provision of the Rule. The provision also ensures that the bidders will receive request for extension of validity before ten (10) of expiring the tender validity.

2. Revision feature is provided for APP and from now PE can revise the approved APP

3. PE can work/edit on previous tender’s document (which was prepared for his earlier tender) for preparing the new tender document; this is also same for re-tendering case.

4. Provisional sums, fixed amount or supplied items from PE etc. with amount is incorporated in the system.

5. In the TER2 (Technical Responsiveness Report), Details information of Experience, Turnover and Liquid Asset can be separately inserted.

6. Performance Monitoring User can view PROMIS Indicator Report.

7. Project Director (PD) Users can view PROMIS Indicator Reports on Project basis.

8. Official estimate cost is shown in words under tender notices TAB

9. A new feature link is added in Homepage to inform implementing agencies and bidder about new release and additional feature.

10. At Tender Evaluation part, unit-wise comparison is incorporated to justify front loading & compare with market price.

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IMED, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh