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User Registration Steps
Steps to register with the e-GP System
BEFORE YOU START : Basic requirement from user side
  1. Computer with one of the BPPA certified browsers ((Microsoft Edge 109.x or above and Mozilla Firefox 113.x or above and Google Chrome 109.x or above)
  2. Internet connectivity with appropriate bandwidth level
  3. Valid e-mail account
  1. Please type in the address bar using one of the BPPA certified web browsers (list of Browsers are available at ) and click "Enter".
  2. e-GP website will be opened. Then click the "New User Registration" button below the log-in box in the left hand side menu.
  3. A new webpage "New User Registration - Login Account Details" will open.
  4. Click "Submit" button after entering user details including the verification code (CAPTCHA), and click the check box at the end of the form for accepting the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Now you will receive an e-mail with Verification Code in your own e-mail account which you have provided for registering into the e-GP System.
  6. Open the e-mail you received from e-GP System, and click on the link provided in the e-mail. It will open a page in e-GP website for e-mail verification.
  7. Along with other details, enter the Verification Code you received in e-mail sent to you by e-GP System. If the verification code matches, then your e-mail account is verified.
  8. You will receive another e-mail from e-GP System with further actions to be taken by you with a list of mandatory documents for scanning and uploading to e-GP System.
  9. Before uploading documents, print the e-mail you have received and go to e-GP Member bank to pay a registration fee of BDT 5000/- (Bangladesh Taka Five Thousand Only) [Registration fee for International Tenderers is USD $ 200 (US Dollar Two Hundred Only)].
  10. After paying the registration fee through bank, login to e-GP System using your login information and upload all the scanned mandatory documents including registration fee payment slip.
  11. Get a photocopy of all mandatory documents attested by a Class-I Government Official and send to BPPA for physical verification through mail post or courier.
  12. Once the attested documents and uploaded documents are verified in the BPPA, you will get e-mail with your User Registration Approval information.
  13. Now you can login to e-GP system and start using the system to participate in e-Tendering process.
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Best viewed in 1024 x 768 and above resolution. Browsers Tested & Certified by BPPA: Microsoft Edge 109.x or above and Mozilla Firefox 113.x or above and Google Chrome 109.x or above
Copyright © 2011 Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU). All Rights Reserved.
IMED, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh