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Dear User,
This tender is manual tender and you need to buy the tender document from Procuring Entity Office. To view the details tender notice click on "View" link.
Same information you can get from BPPA web site.
Dear User,
This Contract Awarded is manual Contract and you need to buy the tender document from Procuring Entity Office. To view the details information click on "View" link.
Same information you can get from BPPA web site.
Click on 'Ok' button to see or download Electronic Standard Tender Documents (eSTD)
Disclaimer and Privacy Policy
National e-Government Procurement (e-GP) portal (i.e. of the Government of Bangladesh is developed, owned and operated by Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority (BPPA), IMED, Ministry of Planning for carrying out the procurement activities of the public agencies (procuring agencies and procuring entities) of the Government of Bangladesh.
BPPA/ IMED also runs a training server ( to allow the users to try and learn by themselves all the functionalities of e-GP system through an online mock-up of real transactional e-GP System. Users may try all activities, which is available in real transaction system. None of the activities done in training servers will be taken as real transactions.
For all the users of e-GP System, the following Disclaimer and Privacy Policy shall be applied:
If you are only browsing this website, we do not capture data that allows us to identify you individually.
BPPA/IMED reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to correct any errors or omissions in any part of the e-GP System and to make changes to the e-GP System and to the materials, products, programs, services or prices described in the e-GP portal at any time without prior notice.
In no event shall BPPA/IMED and/or third parties be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct or indirect or consequential damages or any damages including, but not limited to, errors or omissions, delays or incomplete transactions, planed or unplanned e-GP Portal downtime or inaccessibility of the e-GP Portal, insufficient time to submit tender, lost user identities, session outages or accidental page closures, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever arising from use, loss of user data, whether in action of transaction, negligence or other action, arising out of or in connection with the use of the e-GP System.
The information and other materials included on the e-GP portal and system may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. BPPA/IMED does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information and materials or the reliability of any statement or other information displayed or distributed by the procuring entities through the e-GP System.
BPPA/IMED does not warrant that the functions contained in the e-GP system shall be uninterrupted or error free or that those defects shall be corrected or that this e-GP System or the server that makes it available shall be free of viruses or bugs. BPPA/IMED does not warrant full functionality, accuracy or reliability of any material. BPPA/IMED may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the e-GP System, including the availability of any features of the system, at any time without notice or liability.
BPPA/IMED shall not share or sell the personal or Business identifiable information with any other persons or organizations without the prior consent of the owner, unless required by the e-GP System to carry out its defined functions or required by the law of land.
Use of the e-GP System shall only be used for lawful purposes that do not infringe the rights of or restrict or inhibit the use of the system by any third party. Such restriction or inhibition includes, but is not limited to, conduct which is intended to mislead, or is defamatory, or which may harass, cause distress or inconvenience to any person and the transmission of obscene or offensive content or interruption of the normal flow of content within the e-GP System.
The e-GP System shall use the e-GP Data Center server time as the reference time for all time-bound activities of procurement processes.
The e-GP System Administrator may notify users by displaying notices, alerts and statements about the scheduled maintenance and possible interruption of the e-GP System.
The e-GP System may send e-GP System related promotional information to its users.
The e-GP System keeps all private information of its users in encrypted form in database and shall not be accessible to any user without sufficient authority and access permissions.
To safeguard your personal data, all electronic storage and transmission of personal data is secured with appropriate security technologies.
BPPA does not take any responsibility of its availability and authenticity of the external third party web references, links referred in the e-GP Portal, as BPPA does not have any control over those websites.
e-GP portal uses cookies to save some of the information during transaction, and which may remain in the computer. You must enable to "accept" the cookies to carry out the transactions. Failure to set the cookies, e-GP system may not work.
e-GP system records IP address of your computer and also all the activities you perform from login to logout from the e-GP System for audit and non-repudiation purposes. So the users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and are fully responsible for all activities that occur using your account (email ID and password). E-GP system does not store user passwords, but it will store only the generated irreversible hash value of the password as e-Signature. User must notify BPPA ( of any unauthorized use of your password or any other suspected security breaches. Users must ensure that they appropriately log-out every time from their unattended computers or from the computers you are using in public places. BPPA is not liable for any loss or damage arising from such compromise of your user account and password.
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