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Dear User,
This tender is manual tender and you need to buy the tender document from Procuring Entity Office. To view the details tender notice click on "View" link.
Same information you can get from BPPA web site.
Dear User,
This Contract Awarded is manual Contract and you need to buy the tender document from Procuring Entity Office. To view the details information click on "View" link.
Same information you can get from BPPA web site.
Click on 'Ok' button to see or download Electronic Standard Tender Documents (eSTD)
About e-Government Procurement (e-GP) System
National e-Government Procurement (e-GP) portal ( i.e. ) of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is developed, owned and being operated by the Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority (BPPA), IME Division of Ministry of Planning. The e-GP system provides an on-line platform to carry out the procurement activities by the Public Agencies - Procuring Agencies (PAs) and Procuring Entities (PEs).
The e-GP system is a single web portal from where and through which PAs and PEs will be able to perform their procurement related activities using a dedicated secured web based dashboard. The e-GP system is hosted in e-GP Data Center at BPPA and the e-GP web portal is accessible by the PAs and PEs through internet for their use.
The e-Government Procurement solution introduced under the Public Procurement Reform (PPR) Process is being supported by the World Bank and being used by all the government organizations which will help in ensuring equal access to the Bidders / Tenderers, Efficiency, Transparency and Accountability in the Public Procurement Process in the country.
The e-GP System will be implemented in two phases:
e-Tendering System: Covering complete Tendering processes such as centralized user registration, preparation of Annual Procurement Plan (APP), Instruction to Tenderers (ITT), sale of Tender Documents (TD), conducting online pre-bid meeting, collection of bid security, bid submission, bid evaluation, negotiations and contract awards.
e-Contract Management System (e-CMS): Covering complete Contract Management processes such as work plan submission, defining milestone, tracking and monitoring progress, generating reports, performing quality checks, generation of running bills, bill payment through iBAS++, vendor rating and generation of completion certificate.
Presently, e-Tendering and e-CMS (e-GP) has been successfully rolled out to all Government procuring entity dealing with public procurement.
All the stakeholders, including Bidders/Tenderers / Applicants / Consultants (National and International), PEs, Procurement Related Committees, Payment Service Providers, Development Partners (DPs), Media, Operation, Maintenance and Management Entity (OMME), e-GP System Administrators, Auditors and General Public will get access to e-GP system and information as specified in the Terms and Conditions of Use and Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
The e-GP system shall be used by all concerned, for procurement of goods, works and services using public fund, following the ‘Government Procurement (e-GP) Guidelines’ prepared under the provision of Section 67 of the PPA -2006 and Rule 128 of PPR-2008 and issued.
The e-GP System Comprises of following key Modules/Functionalities:
Centralized Registration System
(Contractors/Applicants/Consultants, Procuring Entities and other actors of e-GP)
Centralized Tenderer /Consultant registration
Procuring Entity (PE) registration
Media Registration
Payment service providers registration
Development partners registration
e-Tendering (e-Publishing/e-Advertisement, e-Lodgment, e-Evaluation, e-Contract award) System
Annual Procurement Planning (APP) preparation and publishing
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