1. |
What is e-GP System? |
The e-GP System is developed as a web portal, from where and through which procuring agencies and entities will perform their procurement related activities, i.e. to publish Annual Procurement Plans, Invitation for Tender (IFT), Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Tender/Application/Proposals preparation, submission, Opening, Evaluation, Contract Award Notices, Contract management, Payments, performance monitoring through Procurement Management Information System with Key Procurement Performance Indicators, and other procurement related information as required by the PPA 2006 and PPR, 2008 along with subsequent amendments, using a dedicated secure web based dashboard.
2. |
What is Dashboard? |
Dashboard is an interactive user interface for each users in e-GP System that organizes and presents information and links to the different relevant to role and authority, functions of e-GP system into a unified display in a way that is easy to access, track and transact.
3. |
Who are the Stakeholders/Actors of the e-GP System? |
The e-GP System shall support the following user categories for stakeholders/actors initially, and provides them the secured access to related functionalities of the e-GP system through dashboards:
Procuring Agencies/Entities.
Payment Service Providers (Scheduled banks and other payment service providers).
Development Partners.
e-GP System Administrators (CPTU and PE administrators) and Auditors.
Operation & Maintenance partners.
Committees (opening/evaluation etc.).
Approval authorities
General public for information related public procurement
Media community for updates, announcements, news releases etc.
4. |
How to participate in the e-Tendering? |
To participate in e-Tendering published on e-GP system, the tenderers/consulting firms/individual consultants/Govt. owned enterprises need to go through a registration process. Only after the successful registration process, a tenderer gets access to e-GP System Dashboard and e-GP functions for participating in e-Tendering. Any fee stipulated in the tender document by Procuring Entities should be paid through scheduled member banks.
5. |
What are the other requirements in the registration process? |
Registration shall be done through a registration process starting from the online registration page of the e-GP System followed by post verification if CPTU considers it necessary. The intended user must provide all required scanned /digital document/information, including Bank payment slip, and accept the terms and conditions of e-GP system use; and should be aware of the disclaimer and privacy policy of the e-GP System. The mandatory documents to be uploaded at the time of providing information are as follows:
A(1). For Tenderers/Consulting firm (National):
Scanned/PDF copy of,
Company Incorporation Certificate (in case of Company) OR Registration Document
Trade License
Valid Tax Identification Number (TIN) Certificate
Valid Value Added Tax (VAT) Certificate
Authorization letter from the Owner for the Firm/Company's Admin
National ID or Passport of Authorized Person (First 2 pages of passport)
e-GP Registration Fee Payment Slip
One Passport Size Photo of Authorized Person
A(2). For Tenderer/Consulting Firm (International):
Scanned/PDF copy of,
Company Incorporation Certificate (in case of Company) or Registration Document
Trade License (If applicable)
Valid Tax Identification Number (TIN) Certificate (If applicable)
Valid Value Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration Certificate
Authorization letter from the Owner for the Firm/Company's Admin
National ID or Passport of Authorized Person (first 2 pages of passport)
e-GP Registration Fee Payment Slip
One Passport Size Photo of Authorized Person
B. For Govt. owned enterprises (National):
Scanned/PDF copy of,
Government Order (GO) as a Proof for Statutory Status
Financial Autonomy Certificate from Finance Division (FD)
National ID or Passport of Authorized Person (first 2 pages of passport)
One Passport Size Photo of Authorized Person
Authorization Letter for Authorized Person
e-GP Registration Fee Payment Slip
C(1). For Individual Consultant (National):
Scanned/PDF copy of,
National ID or Passport (First 2 pages of passport)
e-GP Registration Fee Payment Slip
One Passport Size Photo
C(2). For Individual Consultant (International):
Scanned/PDF copy of,
National ID or Passport (First 2 pages of passport)
e-GP Registration Fee Payment Slip
One Passport Size Photo
D. Media (National):
Scanned/PDF copy of,
Identity Card Issued by a Media Company
National ID or Passport (First 2 pages of passport)
One Passport Size Photo
E. Media (International):
Scanned/PDF copy of,
Identity Card Issued by a Media Company
National ID or Passport (First 2 pages of passport)
One Passport Size Photo
6. |
Is there any fee for registration? |
As decided by the Government, users may be charged and/or waived specified amount of money for different categories of use including Registration (Currently Tk. 5000.00 for registration and Tk. 2000.00 for annual renewal), For International Tenderers and Consultants, registration fee is USD $200 (US Dollars Two Hundred Only) and annual renewal fee is USD $100 (US Dollars One Hundred Only) transaction, periodic renewal, additional storage space, facilities to use specific features/modules of the e-GP system and different services from the operation, maintenance and management entity. CPTU/IMED, M/O Planning shall have the rights to set reasonable charges or waiver to promote the use of the e-GP System and sustainability of the System in long run.
7. |
How the financial transactions shall be operated? |
Scheduled Financial institutions/Banks authorized by the Bangladesh Bank are allowed to register for collecting fees and conducting financial transactions for e-GP. Scheduled banks and other payment service providers get secured access to the e-GP system with their own dedicated and secured Dashboard.
8. |
How the tenders submitted in the e-GP portal will be secured? |
Tender submitted by the tenderer will be stored in e-GP database in encrypted form. Only the tender opening committee can get access to tender documents and identification of tenderers only after the expiry of final deadline for tender submission. Before the deadline opening committee members/ procuring entity/ e-GP administrator or tenderers or any other user will not get to know the identity of the participating tenderers and the content of the submitted tenders.
9. |
How to pay fee for registration of Subsequent renewal? |
Tenderers should go to Bank and make the payment using Cash/Pay Order/Account to Account Transfer. After the transaction with the bank, bank should update the e-GP System, the same way renewal is done. Registration fee has been set by the government Tk. 5000.00 and Tk. 2000.00 for annual renewal. Bank may take service charge from the tenderer as per their Bank guidelines.
10. |
How to pay Tender Security (TS) and Performance Security (PS)? |
Tenderer should prepare TS and PS through e-GP payment network member bank either in the form of Cash/Demand draft/Pay order/Bank advice or Bank guarantees. Then the bank should update the e-GP System with transaction details.
11. |
How to pay for documents? |
Tenderers can download the tender document from the e-GP System uploaded by the Procuring Entity. Before downloading, the tenderers must pay fees determined the PE (if applicable) for the document through e-GP member bank network. Fees may be paid through cash/Demand draft/Pay order/Bank instruction and the bank will update the e-GP System. Tender document download link will be enabled only after Bank updates the e-GP System about the fees paid by the tenderers.
12. |
How the e-signature is generated and applied in the documents? |
All types of users at the first instance (except general website visitor) use their e-mail ID as user name and provide the secret password. This password will be converted into irreversible Hash value (combination of alphabet and numbers generated through mathematical formula). Password will not be stored in the e-GP database, only the Hash value will be stored. As the Hash value is irreversible, password cannot be regenerated from stored Hash value. In case of uploading and submitting documents to e-GP System, each of the documents will be encrypted by the Hash value as equivalent as putting the signature of the user.
13. |
How the Pre-tender Meeting is conducted? |
Responses/clarifications of the queries relating to the tender should be posted by tenderers via e-GP online channel through Dashboard before or during pre-tender meeting. Queries posted via Fax/Post/Email will not be entertained. Pre-tender meeting will be held online and clarification to the queries of the tenderers and also responses will be shared through e-mail, and also Dashboard inbox of the tenderers who purchased the documents for specific tender. Name of the tenderers who participated in the electronic pre-tender meeting will not be shared with other tenderers by the e-GP system and procuring entities.
14. |
How e-Tenders submitted by the Tenderers will be opened by the Tender Opening Committee (TOC)? |
Opening committee members log into the e-GP System ONLY after the expiry of the deadline of the final submission of tenders. Then e-GP System will automatically generate opening sheet in approved tabular format detailing the name, address, contact details, quoted price (including if any applicable discounts), currency and information about tender withdrawals, substitution and modification, if any. Participating tenderers may physically present or remain online during the opening time. Opening committee forward the Tender opening Sheet (TOS) with their comments, if any to the PE and the TOS will be shared with the participating Tenderers through e-GP System. If any Tenderers logs into the e-GP System at the time of tender opening, Tenderers online status will be treated as his presence in the tender opening meeting.
15. |
How Tenders are evaluated in the e-GP System? |
Evaluation Committee members get access to e-GP system and tenders, only at the specific time period configured /set by the PE. The e-GP system automatically generates the comparison matrix of all the tenders based on their quoted price & evaluation criteria for the reference to the evaluation Committee. Evaluation Committee prepares evaluation report with all necessary information, comparative charts & their comments & recommendations and forwards the compiled evaluation report electronically to the appropriate authority through the work flow set in the e-GP system for that particular tender.